This article explains why email notifications that have been set up in Personio may not reach their intended recipient.
Enabling the Global Delivery of Email Notifications
Activate the global delivery of email notifications under Settings > Company > Email notifications. Unless this has been activated, no emails will be sent from Personio to employees.
Enabling Email Notifications in the Personal Settings
Make sure that in your personal settings, the boxes for sending email notificatons and notifications and tasks to your Dashboard and Inbox have been checked.
To do this, click on your avatar. Then go to the tab Personal Settings > Notifications and check the respective boxes.
Assigning Access Rights to the Relevant Employee Role
Make sure that the employees who you would like to receive notifications for reminders have been assigned the necessary access rights (View Own/Team/All) via their employee role. These access rights need to be assigned for all Date type attributes that your employees should receive reminders for.
Verify that the reminders are being sent to the correct employee roles, and that the employees have been assigned to those roles.
Blocking of Personio Email Notifications By Internal Mail Servers
Sometimes, emails from Personio may be blocked by the company's own mail server for security reasons; they consequently won't arrive in the intended recipient's mailbox. If this is case, please contact your IT department.