This article provides an overview of the Personio Surveys app, which is an all-in-one, multipurpose survey solution that can be used by anyone in your company depending on the access rights you grant them. It will help your organization to collect employee feedback to gain informed insights from within your company or team, and thus drive meaningful improvements.
If you are interested in getting access to the Surveys app, you can request further information and get an individual consultation from our Customer Growth & Success Team (page only available in German).
What are the benefits?
- Seamless integration of employee data within surveys to save time, streamline data analysis, and increase accuracy.
- Confidential delivery and collection of employee feedback to protect privacy and increase participation rates.
- Analysis dashboard that allows for an easy overview of results and answer tendencies.
- Granular access rights for survey creation, collaboration, and results.
So far, the Personio Surveys app includes the following features and functionalities:
Set up granular access rights
By default, all Admins can access Personio Surveys via the main navigation bar to view all surveys and their results. But Personio Surveys can be used by anyone in your organization through different access rights. Depending on the level of involvement and visibility you want to grant a specific employee, you can customize their access rights to fit specific needs:
- Create a new survey: Grant employees access to create and launch new surveys.
- Survey-level permissions: Tailor employee access rights on a per-survey-basis to collaborate on survey design, participant selection and survey configuration (Survey Admin).
- View results: Allow other employees to view the results of a survey that you created (Full results view).
Learn more about Survey access rights.
Create and edit surveys
You can create new surveys or copy an existing one. For an easy start, we currently provide three survey templates on employee engagement and change management, that you can use as examples for your inspiration, or edit as required to match your needs. When creating new surveys or editing one of the example survey questions, you can choose between the following question types:
- Open text
- Single choice
- Multiple choice
- Scale: 1-5 Likert scale, with freely configurable top- and bottom labels.
For single choice, multiple choice, and scale questions, you can also allow comments to receive more context on the chosen answer. Learn more about Creating a survey.
Once you have launched the survey, you can also edit it in case you want to rephrase a question, correct typos, or add additional participants to it. Learn more about editing a live survey.
To quickly analyze your survey results and identify general trends, you can group your survey questions into themes.
Ensure confidentiality protection
You can also run confidential surveys which ensure that survey answers are not personally identifiable, so employees can respond freely and honestly. With this option, we will not show the employee's name in the survey results. Additionally, you can define a confidentiality minimum for responses. For example, if you set '5' – each question needs to have at least 5 responses to show the results. For any question that has fewer responses than the minimum you defined, no results will be shown.
Select participants and send out notifications
When you are ready to launch the survey, you can easily select participants through different attribute filters to select employees from a specific department, team, location, and more. The employee list shown, as well as the attribute filters, take into account the attribute access rights of the user, so visibility of the employees and filters shown will depend on what the user is allowed to see. Then you can launch the survey directly or schedule it to be sent out on a specific date and time.
Once the survey is launched, participants receive:
- An in-app task in the Inbox widget of their Personio home page. When hovering over the task, they can either click the arrow button to fill out the survey or click the X button to remove the survey task.
- An invitation email. Reminders can be set up individually, so in case the employee does not fill in the survey, you can configure the system to send up to four automatic reminders to ensure a high participation rate. You can also copy the URL to the survey and share it with your employees on a different channel.
Analyze results
Use the analysis dashboard to get an overview of the received response and tendencies, as well as detailed response views per question. You can also download the results in a CSV-file to see them in Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers for further reporting. Learn more about Survey analytics and reporting.
Share results using survey reports
Share survey results with the relevant stakeholders. Choose what to show and the depth of analysis available to the viewer, while maintaining confidentiality. Create single custom reports, or automatically create reports for supervisors.
Future features
As we will add further features to Personio Surveys, we already want to provide an idea of what is still to come:
Sample question bank : Access a variety of pre-designed example questions to inspire and guide you during survey creation.