This article provides concrete examples of how individual recruiting processes can be mapped in Personio by using different stages, categories, and interview types.
Recruiting Stages
Recruiting stages should reflect the individual steps through which an application must go in your recruiting process. Create a separate stage for each step, from receipt of the application through document review and interview appointments, to the final decision. By doing this, you not only give structure to your application processes, but you also make the current status or progress of an application transparent.
For further information on how to configure recruiting stages, please click here.
The following screenshot shows a sample configuration for recruiting stages.
Please note that the predefined stages in Personio are linked to other functions that are triggered automatically when these stages are assigned. We therefore recommend using these stages and suggest that you choose clearly differentiated names for user-defined stages.
In the Reports tab, under Application, you also have the option of a stage-based analysis. This can provide statistics, such as the number of candidates who withdrew their applications during a specific stage.
Recruiting Categories
Creating recruiting categories allows you to group job postings; this is especially helpful if different job application processes are being used for advertised jobs.
Please click here for further information on how to configure categories.
The following screenshots show three different examples for structuring recruiting categories.
Example 1: Categorization by Job Type
Categorizing by job type is useful if, for example, the application stages for student trainees or part-time employees are different than those for full-time employees.
Example 2: Categorization by Office or Legal entity
This example illustrates categorization by office. This structure is useful if there are different recruiters responsible for each office or legal entity, since it offers the option of entering a specific autoresponder for each category, including a dedicated sender.
Example 3: Categorization by Department
If your application processes include department-specific requirements, then it is advisable to categorize by the different departments. For example, this screenshot shows that all candidates to the IT department are required to participate in a Coding Interview stage.
If no stage is assigned to a recruiting category, Personio will by default assign all existing stages.
Interview Types
Create specific interview types for points of personal contact with candidates. The recruiting stages that have already been created can serve as the basis for these. When employees receive an invitation to an interview appointment, they will be able to tell at a glance exactly what type of interview it will be.
For further information on setting up interview types, please click here.
The following screenshot shows common interview types:
To further optimize your recruiting processes, create individual evaluation forms and email templates.