In this article, you will learn how to integrate Edenred Deutschland GmbH in Personio. You will get an overview of the requirements, together with instructions, for setting up this integration with the Personio employee data API.
What is Edenred?
The Edenred Deutschland GmbH is the market leader in transaction solutions for companies, employees, and trading partners (B2B). The company offers specific-purpose payment solutions within the framework of tax-free benefits. Edenred One is an automated tool that enables companies to provide their employee with a monthly tax-free benefit (12-month-abo-model).
Set up the integration between Edenred and Personio
- Login to Edenred One Account
- Go to Step 4 > Employee Data
- Click Import Personio Data
- Enter your Personio Credential Client ID
- Enter your Personio Credential Secret
- Click Connect
- Enter all required fields, which are missing from Personio's data (monthly value, birthday of employee, birthday load)
- Click add
- Continue with the ordering process.
▶︎ When setting up Edenred One, you can automatically transfer all employee data from Personio. You do not have to enter all employee data manually in the Edenred One ordering process.
▶︎ When employee data in Personio changes, there is no sync to existing employee in Edenred One. Existing employee data has to be changed manual in Edenred One. The synchronisation process is only relevant for adding new employee to Edenred One.
What data is transferred?
The following information is synced with Edenred:
- First name
- Last name
- Gender
- Status
What are the costs?
The price for Edenred One depends on the selected product package.
- The yearly fee for the Edenred City package is 36€ (per year / per employee).
- The yearly fee for the MeinGutschein package is 24€ (per year / per employee).
Find all prices here:
Who do I contact at Edenred?
If you would like to learn more about Edenred One, visit the Edenred One website.